References from the steel and metal industry
Selected customers
- klöckner & co
- German stainless steel works
Selected projects
- Market analysis in the energy segment including trends, growth rates and market volumes
- Market analysis and detailed sales strategy with implementation plan in sub-segments
- Offshore steel demand assessment with customer, competitor and supplier interviews
- Steel tube optimization program
- Analysis, program design, implementation plan and realization of a cost reduction project
- M&A support
1. product and market strategy Case studies
- Leading European company in the development and production of high-performance tubes and custom-made products
- approx. 25 million euros annual turnover
- over 170 employees
- Main supplier for metal plates and components
- Organic growth potential not being fully exploited
- No sales structures and suitable sales personnel
- The company’s product range is too broad and modular
- Optimization of distribution networks and development of a sales structure
- Division of the sales department into separate key areas
- Implementation of a detailed system of key figures to measure the increase in value
- 20% sales growth within 6 months
- Development of our own sales network with suitable sales partners
- Definition of 3-4 key accounts in the 4 business units and 5 regions
- Implementation of a detailed key performance indicator system.
2. increase in sales Case studies
- International leader in a niche market for steel in Western Europe, USA and Asia
- Over 500 employees work at the production sites, with a significant proportion of temporary workers
- Key customers include energy suppliers and distributors
- Main supplier for metal plates and components
- Product sales exceed production capacity
- Occurrence of delivery delays
- No clear product and market strategy
- Unclear sales strategy
- Unnecessary duplication and repetition of work
- 10% increase in sales with constant fixed costs
- 12% increase in sales within 8 months
- Reduction of lead times in production & administration
- Optimization of delivery/ordering costs by concluding framework agreements
- Introduction of customer relationship management (CRM)
- Definition of strategies, KPI systems and pilot markets
- Introduction of new sales processes and a CRM
- Advice, training and support for sales staff in customer dialog
3 Effective organization Case studies
- International leader in a niche market for steel in Western Europe, USA and Asia
- Over 500 employees work at the production sites, with a significant proportion of temporary workers
- Key customers include energy suppliers and distributors
- Main supplier for metal plates and components
- Very high error rate in production
- This results in too much repetitive work
- Delays and quality problems from external suppliers
- Unsuitable location for production
- Annual reduction in quality costs of 1 million euros
- Reduction of repetitive work by 40% and reduction of material waste by 30% lead to savings of up to 84,000 euros per month
- Implementation and execution of a daily status meeting
- Introduction of an MOS system. This shows the key figures, roles, responsibilities and management improvements
- Training and consulting for middle and lower management
4. process improvement Case studies
- Two global steel companies headquartered in Europe with core businesses in steel, engineering and services
- Together over 100,000 employees
- Key customers include the automotive, construction, oil & gas, energy and other industries
- Main suppliers of iron ore, coal and raw materials
- Largest company merger in the industry at the time
- High overhead costs in the central and decentralized locations
- Purchase prices for raw materials too high
- Disadvantages in the production infrastructure
- Measurable cost synergy effects of more than EUR 400 million in all areas
- 4-year program to achieve the goals
- Reduction of the two central head offices to 1 head office
- Elimination of decentralized headquarters and establishment of centralized corporate functions, e.g. accounting, controlling, IT, finance and HR
- Definition of the structure for the new production facility
5. supply chain management case studies
- International leader in a niche market for steel in Western Europe, USA and Asia
- Over 500 employees work at the production sites, with a significant proportion of temporary workers
- Key customers include energy suppliers and distributors
- Main supplier for metal plates and components
- Order-to-cash-cycle (O-t-C) usually takes longer than 14 days
- Delays in delivery
- Significant differences between offered and manufactured designs
- Unnecessary duplication and repetition of work
- Implementation of an optimization program for a period of 8 months
- Improvement in working capital by EUR 6 million (one-off effect)
- Sustainable EBITDA effect in the amount of EUR 2 million
- Reduction of the O-t-C within 6 weeks
- Introduction and implementation of “Daily War Rooms”
- Introduction of an independent MOS system with key figures, roles, responsibilities and management improvements
- On-the-job training and consulting for middle and lower management