The Value Management FOruM
Here, leading minds and decision-makers from business, science and politics present their current ideas, challenges and experiences. And they discuss their points of view with executives from industry and private equity as well as ambitious students. Inspiring discussions and motivating networking thus take place informally in the stately ambience of the Villa Bonn.


The Value Management FOruM is organized by Value Management GmbH in cooperation with the FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management. We would like to thank all speakers and supporters:
“Digital twins – Industry 4.0 Restarted”
26th VM Forum - Ben Hodges, Lieutenant General (ret.) Commanding General of the US Army in Europe: Innovation, connectivity, data -the world is undergoing digital change and no industry [...]
“Neue Mobilität: Wohin Deutsche Bahn?”
25. VM Forum - Alexander Doll, CFO, Deutsche Bahn AG, CEO, Schenker AG: Industrie- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen stehen vor neuen Herausforderungen, nicht zuletzt für die Führungskräfteentwicklung in der Mobilitätsbranche: 1. [...]